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City of Lodi 2019-08-20

City of Lodi
Common Council Meeting

Minutes – August 20, 2019

Present: Mayor Ness, Alderpersons Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Miller, Stevenson, Tonn

Excused: Alderperson Heckel

Staff: Julie Ostrander, Dawn Collins, Alex LeClair, Kennan Buhr

Others: Jeff Joutras, Mike Goethel, Neal Reible, and other citizens

Mayor Ness called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 130 S Main Street, Lodi WI.

Roll call was taken – Alders Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Miller, Stevenson, Tonn were present. Alder Heckel was excused.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Public Input. Jeff Joutras (Sunrise) raised concern about Ash trees throughout the city. He reviewed the amended ordinance for trees and noted the following – there are trees on private property that are hazards, the treatments do work if performed early, and he inquired about an inventory of city trees.

Director Buhr responded that the city has an inventory of public trees and is working to remove and appropriately replace them. Information about EAB will continue to be shared with the public.

Mike Goethel (Palmer Pkwy) inquired about his request of city meetings being streamed. Director Ostrander responded that staff is exploring pricing.

Mike explained that he is assembling a neighborhood group in the southeast corner of Alder District 1 for a core of ten citizens and will canvass other neighborhoods to represent the area around the former primary school property in order to learn what would be desired for the area.

Mike inquired whether the Council has a stand or plans for the property. Mayor Ness responded there is no plan.

Mike stated there is conflicting messages being shared on social media that is causing confusion to citizens in that area.

Discussion took place with council that city representatives should not be making statements that are not representative of the city council. Mike addressed Alder Miller directly, requesting that she please listen to the neighborhood and not share her own opinion or agenda for this particular property, as it is misleading the public.

Library Report. Director Alex LeClair provided an update on the Library events, including an update of the summer program, registrations and total reading; $3000 funds raised from the Library Run/Walk; and obtaining a $5000 grant that will go toward podcast equipment and a production class.

LeClair provided an explanation of how the library is funded by Counties, stating that currently Columbia funds 74% reimbursement from a formula utilizing annual operating expenses and total circulation. Discussion took place about the City of Lodi numbers, Town of Lodi numbers, and other municipalities that use the library. LeClair noted that the savings in operating expenses may negatively impact the amount of funds reimbursed from the County.

Nancy Long, County representative, encouraged council members to support the County to increase funding to municipal libraries. Questions were raised about how the excess funds (roughly 25-30%) get used.

Mayor Ness suggested taking the Plan Commission report so that Neal Reible, School District representative, doesn’t wait until the end of the meeting for the item.

Resolution to Approve Architectural Design Review and General Development Permit for a 1920 SF Athletic Shed (Lodi School District). MOTION (Stevenson, Groves Lloyd) to approve Resolution 19-78.

Stevenson stated that this item came through Plan Commission the first time with changes suggested including the placement and the color scheme. Upon review of the changes, the Plan Commission approved it unanimously along with a condition to landscape around the perimeter of the shed. Tonn added that, with any future projects on the school property, this structure will have the same use. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda. MOTION (Groves Lloyd, Stevenson) to approve the consent agenda including Common Council Meeting Minutes from 7/23/2019 and Special Event Application for the High School Homecoming Parade on 9/27/2019. Motion carried.

Resolution to Approve the Option to Discontinue Participation in CDBG Housing RLF Program. MOTION (Stevenson, Tonn) to approve Resolution 19-79. Tonn stated projects are larger than the funds the municipality has and funds will remain accessible on a regional level. The Economic Development Committee agreed to discontinue this program at a municipal level. This change simply aligns with the state funding of this program – regional instead of municipal. Motion carried.

Alder Tonn inquired about having a standing agenda item relating to any activity of the former primary school property on the Economic Development Committee agenda. Mayor Ness stated there is no activity at this time and, if or when there is activity, the item would likely go back to the Plan Commission.

Resolution to Authorize Reimbursement for Tape, Pickleball Court. MOTION (Groves Lloyd, Tonn) to approve Resolution 19-75 to reimburse Mr. Redelings for tape. Hansen stated that once courts are redone, painting for the pickleball court may then occur. Motion carried.

Resolution to Authorize Agreement with Lodi School District for Crossing Guards. MOTION (Tonn, Groves Lloyd) to approve Resolution 19-76 to approve the agreement with the Lodi School District. Roll call vote taken – Aye (Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Miller, Stevenson, Tonn); Nay (0). Motion carried.

Resolution to Approve Agreement with Lodi Area Fire District. MOTION (Stevenson, Groves Lloyd) to approve Resolution 19-77 to authorize agreement with Lodi Area Fire, including the Town of Lodi, Town of West Point and the City. The formula for payment is amended to be figured from equalized value, total parcels and actual fire calls each year. West Point previously stipulated getting this agreement done before September 1.

Mayor Ness encouraged members to take action on the draft version presented, although the Town of Lodi has suggested some language modifications, not to impact the calculations that were agreed to. Groves Lloyd inquired about some operational matters, and Mayor Ness stated that is for the Commission, not this agreement. Roll call vote taken – Aye (Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Miller, Stevenson, Tonn); Nay (0). Motion carried.

Resolution to Approve Agreement with Lodi Area EMS. MOTION (Hansen, Groves Lloyd) to approve Resolution 19-80 to authorize the agreement with Lodi Area EMS. Mayor Ness stated this formula for payment is amended to be figured from population, total parcels and actual EMS calls each year. Roll call vote taken – Aye (Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Miller, Stevenson, Tonn); Nay (0). Motion carried.

The next regular meeting is Tuesday, September 17, at 6:00 PM.

Adjourn. MOTION (Groves Lloyd, Stevenson) to adjourn at 6:55 PM. Motion carried.

Minutes by: Dawn A. Collins, City Clerk