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City of Lodi 2019-07-23

City of Lodi

Common Council Meeting

Minutes – July 23, 2019

Present:  Mayor Ness, Alderpersons Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Heckel, Miller, Stevenson

Excused:  Alderperson Tonn

Staff:  Julie Ostrander, Dawn Collins, Alex LeClair, Kennan Buhr, Lodi PD members

Others:  Andy Zimmer (MSA), Rob Uphoff (MSA), Jeff Joutras, Dori Bilse, Mike Miller, Erin Asch, Kathryn Kavale, Chuck Pursell, Monica Johnston, Mike and Sue Goethel, Michele Breunig, family members of Officer McCarty, and othercitizens

Mayor Ness called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 130 S Main Street, Lodi WI.

Roll call was taken – Alders Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Heckel, Miller, Stevenson were present. Alder Tonn was excused.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Swearing in Ceremony – Officer Kyle McCarty. Interim Chief Smith introduced new Officer Kyle McCarty. The oath was administered and his badge pinned.

Public Information Meeting: Water Rate Increase.  Mayor Ness introduced Andy Zimmer, MSA, to provide the history of the booster station, beginning in 1987.  Zimmer reviewed the timeline of the project; the FAQ list collected; the water rate impact; and addressed questions from citizens present.

Jeff Joutras (Sunrise) inquired, with the last increase being ten years back, how often a rate increase should take place.

Mayor Ness stated that the City is able to do a simplified rate study for a small incremental increase every 3 years. The City works with Ehlers to conduct a rate increase with the PSC.  Dori Bilse (Ridgestone) inquired about the share of cost that the school and developers paid. Zimmer responded that developers (Grothman, Ballweg) were portioned a share as part of the developer agreements for the developed area and the school was portioned approximately 15 residential lots along with a share of curb and gutter.

Dori inquired who specifically gave the go-ahead with the project if the PSC had not authorized the booster station. Mayor Ness stated the project was laid out with appropriate expectations and moved forward. Alder Groves Lloyd stated it was a tight timeline for the school to start up. Mike Miller (Prospect) inquired about the reprimand from the PSC, noting there was not a fine. Zimmer explained the three criteria of the reprimand given the City – allowing the rate increase with the new station, slap of hand for not waiting for authorization prior to construction, and an action plan for compliance in the future.

Erin Asch (Prairie) asked council members what was learned from this experience. Ostrander stated the City is committed to conducting a simplified study every three years. Alder Stevenson explained that the original plan for the school construction did not include the booster station, but additional water would be needed to support the area for future needs. It was noted that the City and residents were unprepared for the overall cost of the new school to include infrastructure; and the City was obligated to provide improvements once the school construction began.

Kathryn Kavale (Downey) inquired about her water pressure having impact because of this new area utilizing city water. Staff explained that her water service is not connected to this station, but other independent wells.

Kathryn asked about the overall capacity for water. Uphoff with MSA explained that the DNR and MSA Engineers monitor water levels regularly and city staff complies with reports. Mayor Ness stated the city wastewater plan is at 50% capacity. Kathryn expressed disappointment in the city leaders for this situation. Alder Miller asked who designed the water system. Uphoff reviewed the process by engineers and staff to expand the water system as further development takes place in the city.

Mike Goethel (Palmer) questioned the lack of planning for the total cost of the school project to include infrastructure. He inquired about water consumption. Zimmer stated this solution was designed for existing and future needs for consumption. Chuck Pursell (School District) identified with the city having to communicate information as required while trying to decipher fact from fiction among the public. He stated that the school worked well on this project with city officials, staff and MSA to plan for the expansion, providing some background to prior projects when promises were not delivered. The original plan for the school was to maintain their own booster station; however, fire suppression would not be supported nor would it suffice for future development on the hill. The best and long term interest for the community growth was considered in this planning.

Pursell expressed gratitude to city officials for the action taken and the timely work completed. Alder Miller asked who did not deliver promises and what the plans are to expand. Pursell stated that promise dated back to 1977 and impact fees are no longer allowed; that time has passed; and he explained the need to keep up with other school expansions in order to retain students. Mayor Ness explained the increase on the utility bill and stated there is no way to identify what development may be coming into the city.

Monica Johnston (Madison) asked if developers for the area took on some of the cost. Developer agreements are in place for a portion of the costs over 15 years for infrastructure.

Public Input.  Sue Goethel (Palmer Pkwy) commended the council for the active listening at the Plan Commission meeting and hearing the ideas offered.

Michele Breunig (Sunset) stated she wishes good things for the city and moving forward with the concerns of others in mind. She stated that, for some residents, it is difficult to be in attendance as well as continue to afford to live in the city limits, specifically sharing a message from Jess on Portage Street. Additionally, Michele provided handouts she researched about the erosion mat that she previously brought samples from her neighborhood. She again requested that the city ban the material for lawn cover and research other options.

Mike Goethel (Palmer) suggested that the city explore streaming meetings for public interest.

Library Report.  Director Alex LeClair provided an update on the Library events – being awarded a grant from the Rotary; along with fundraisers taking place, including the Library Annual Walk Run on August 10th with raffle tickets available. He is scheduled to present to the Town of Lodi at an upcoming meeting. LeClair highlighted program attendance from June with an increase of 75% compared to last year and summer reading attendance up 40% from last year.

Ordinance to Rezone Parcels 11246-321 and 11246-322 from R-1 to C-3 (103 Pleasant St).  MOTION (Stevenson, Groves Lloyd) to approve Ordinance S-136 to rezone parcels. Heckel asked if this is the same application from Top of Lodi or if any changes have come forward. Mayor Ness stated by request of the property owner (Duane Steinhauer) and Chair of the Economic Development Committee (Tonn), this item is back to council for action as originally requested.

Stevenson stated that if this item fails, the property owner must wait a minimum of 12 months to re-apply. Groves Lloyd stated that having no change is concerning. Stevenson stated the idea in tabling the original request was to get to a workable plan. Roll call vote taken – Aye (0); Nay (Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Heckel, Miller, Stevenson).  Motion failed.

Consent AgendaMOTION (Groves Lloyd, Heckel) to approve the consent agenda including the following – Common Council Meeting Minutes from 6/18/2019; City Payroll and Accounts Payable; Chamber Brew B Que event on 9/21/2019; Resolution 19-69 ETF Update Resolution; Resolution 19-70 to Write-off Past Due Balance (Snell); Resolution 19-68 Request for Proposal for Assessment Services. Groves Lloyd requested a correction on the prior meeting minutes of a vote turnout to read 5-0.  Motion carried.

Resolution to Approve Agreement with Lodi Industrial Properties LLC.  MOTION (Stevenson, Groves Lloyd) to approve Resolution 19-64. Roll call vote taken – Aye (Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Heckel, Miller, Stevenson); Nay (0).

Motion carried.

Resolution to Approve Recreated Position for Water/Wastewater Supervisor and Operator. MOTION (Groves Lloyd, Stevenson) to approve Resolution 19-66 to approve the position descriptions. Stevenson stated these were approved at Finance and HR. Motion carried.

Resolution to Approve Rate Increase for Water/Wastewater Supervisor.  MOTION (Groves Lloyd, Stevenson) to approve Resolution 19-67 to increase wage as presented. Roll call vote taken – Aye (Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Heckel, Miller, Stevenson); Nay (0). Motion carried.

Ordinance to Amend Chapter 307, Trees. MOTION (Stevenson, Groves Lloyd) to approve Ordinance A-541 to amend the trees ordinance. Stevenson stated both Parks Committee and Public Works and Utilities recommended approval of the amended ordinance.  Roll call vote taken – Aye (Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Heckel, Miller, Stevenson); Nay (0). Motion carried.

Ordinance to Amend Chapter 234, Nuisances.  MOTION (Stevenson, Groves Lloyd) to approve Ordinance A-542 to amend the ordinance for nuisances, also approved by Public Works and Utilities.  Roll call vote taken – Aye (Groves Lloyd, Hansen, Heckel, Miller, Stevenson); Nay (0). Motion carried.

Resolution to Approve Conditional Use Permit for Home Occupation at 325 Lodi Street. MOTION (Stevenson, Groves Lloyd) to approve Resolution 19-71. Stevenson explained the action at the public hearing at the Plan Commission meeting and the recommendation for approval failed. Concerns from the neighbors were unable to be resolved. Heckel stated it would be unrealistic to expect the business owner to keep hours within a required timeframe of 8a-5p. Motion failed.

Resolution to Approve Conditional Use Permit for a Mural at 108 Lodi Street.   MOTION (Stevenson, Groves Lloyd) to approve Resolution 19-72 for the Conditional Use Permit to install a mural. Stevenson noted approval was provided from the DOT and next steps are waiting on the receipt of the agreement with the current property owner. Plan Commission recommended approval. Motion carried.

Resolution to Approve Land Division Application for Zero Lot Line Duplex at 702-704 Ellie Rae Drive.   MOTION (Stevenson, Groves Lloyd) to approve Resolution 19-73 for the zero lot line duplex. Stevenson stated this takes an existing duplex from being tenant occupied to create ownership of each side. Plan Commission recommended approval of this request. Motion carried.

Adjourn.  MOTION (Heckel, Groves Lloyd) to adjourn at 8:05 PM. Motion carried.

Minutes by:  Dawn A. Collins, City Clerk