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Advertising Policies

The Lodi Valley Chronicle (The Chronicle) is supported through advertising from local  businesses and residents.  We make our money through 5 advertising areas.

  1. Rotating ads placed in specific locations (e.g., banner, side bar, footer)
  2. Sponsorship of the front page and  feature stories (single, non-rotating advertisement)
  3. Paid listings in directories
  4. Paid classified ads
  5. Opt-in mailings

Advertisement Policies

Rotating ads may be for products or services, information, or public announcements.  The Chronicle retains editorial discretion on all advertisements, and reserves the right to refuse any advertisements it deems unfit for this publication. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Products or services which are illegal or of questionable status
  • Content which is objectively offensive, derogatory, or insulting
  • Content which is inflammatory, provocative, or intended to agitate
  • Content that runs contrary to the policies and standards of The Chronicle
  • Content which may impinge upon the integrity of The Chronicle

Advertising Placement and Purpose

Rotating Ads

Rotating ads may be purchased by anyone at standard prices listed in our Rate Sheet.  Rates are subject to change with appropriate notice.  Rotating ads are shown based on automated programming.  Reports will be sent to advertisers on a regular basis.

Rotating ads are open to any paying advertiser.


Persons, organizations, or businesses may choose to sponsor the front page or a feature story (i.e., “non-news stories”).  These advertisements do not rotate, nor do they expire (they may be cancelled by the advertiser).  Sponsorships will include a caption indicating “This article brought to you by”, “This week’s column sponsored by”, or similar wording.

Depending on the content of the article or column, some sponsorships may be prohibited.  This is to assure there is no conflict of interest or appearance of “paid news”.

Directory Listings

The Chronicle contains several directories, including governments, businesses, places of worship, and local organizations. Most of these are paid, based on the size and prominence of the listing.  Some basic listings may be free (e.g., religious congregations), but offer larger or more prominent listings for a fee.

Classified Advertisements

Classified ads are paid on a weekly or monthly basis.  They are open to anyone and are designed to reflect traditional classified ads. Categories include “help wanted”, “items for sale”, “for rent”.

Because of the legal liabilities imposed by FOSTA/SESTA, “personal ads” (e.g., ads looking for or offering dating, companionship, or relationships) are not allowed in The Chronicle’s classifieds.

Opt-In Mailings

The Chronicle offers “e-mail blasts” to advertisers.  These e-mails are sent only to those who choose to receive them (“opt-in”).  These e-mail blasts are restricted in frequency, and rates are negotiated on a per-account basis.