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Main Street Becomes One-Way on Monday

The traffic pattern on HWY 113/North Main Street will change to ONE WAY only starting Monday, November 6 at 9:00 AM in preparation for asphalt paving.

Traffic will be one way, with traffic going northbound starting at the intersection of Highways 60 & 113 (4 Corners) all the way to Hwy 113 & County Road J (Waddle Inn/Ness Auto).

Access at all side streets will be available. Drivers will NOT be able to access HWY 113/North Main Street from the north.

This northbound-only traffic pattern will be in place for approximately 2 weeks.

Arrow boards will be set up on Friday, November 3, stating that the traffic pattern will be switching.

All intersecting side streets will have arrows directing traffic to go one way, northbound only. Business entrances/exits will also have arrows directing traffic.

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