Portage, WI – With the expected extreme heat Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Columbia County Emergency Management is sending along a list of locations that you can drop in to cool down. Please see the attached list of locations.. Also, find attached the weather outlook from the National Weather Service.
Columbia County is under a “heat watch” currently for Wednesday and Thursday, although the next three days will be hot.
Limit your outdoor activity the next three days, especially midday when the sun is the hottest. Take proper precautions to make sure you are cool and hydrated at all times. Per the CDC: age, obesity, fever, heart disease, mental illness, poor circulation, sunburn, and prescription drug and alcohol use all can play a role in whether a person can cool off enough in very hot weather.
Monitor your friends, family and neighbors who are at high risk of heat related illnesses, and check on them regularly in this heat. Check that they have working air-conditioning, and that they are staying hydrated. The highest risk groups include people age 65 and older, young children, people with mental illness, and folks with chronic diseases.
Call 911 and request an ambulance if someone has the symptoms of heat stroke: skin temp of 103 F, dizziness, nausea, confusion, or loss of consciousness. If you have heat exhaustion symptoms: heavy sweating or muscle cramps, move to a cool place, put cool, wet cloths on your body or take a cool bath, and drink water.
We are committed to keeping Columbia County’s citizens and guests safe and prepared.
2023 Columbia County Cooling Shelters
A Lodi native, Blaze attended the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay where he graduated with a degree in theatre technology & design. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States and the world–including a 6-year stint in China. He has been a teacher, a writer, a designer, and is the founder of the Redleaf Consulting Group.
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