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On 8-11-23 The Lodi Police Department arrested a 45-year-old, male, resident of Lodi1In accordance with our editorial policy, the individual will not be named unless convicted. Accusations of this nature follow a person for the rest of their life and can destroy them–even if they are innocent. Editorial:  We believe a person should be judged by a jury of their peers, not gossip, rumors, or “what John said”.  To put it in perpective:  Imagine it’s your spouse, parent, or child being accused., for Possession of Child Pornography. A search warrant was executed at his residence in Lodi. The individual is currently being held at the Columbia County Jail.

This remains an ongoing investigation and additional charges are likely.

The Lodi Police Department was assisted by The State of Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation, Digital Forensic Specialists, and the Columbia County Sheriff’s Department.


1 In accordance with our editorial policy, the individual will not be named unless convicted. Accusations of this nature follow a person for the rest of their life and can destroy them–even if they are innocent. Editorial:  We believe a person should be judged by a jury of their peers, not gossip, rumors, or “what John said”.  To put it in perpective:  Imagine it’s your spouse, parent, or child being accused.

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