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Santa Sightings on the Trail

I’ve been hearing reports of unusual animal sightings here in southern Wisconsin over the past months, including wolves, elk, and bobcats. On December 18 there were two rare sightings of another kind on a local segment of the Ice Age Trail.

During a morning Tyke Hike Santa Claus was spotted hiking across the Rainbow Bridge by the Lodi High School. A number of children who were along on the hike can verify his presence since they received candy canes from the bearded gentleman. There is also a visual record (photos) of him enjoying cookies and hot chocolate with children and adults at the end of the hike. I was informed by some of the young hikers that this was Santa’s helper, not the real thing, but one never knows. Unconfirmed reports are that he drove off in an orange Toyota Prius after the hike.

Later that evening, under the light of a hazy full moon, Santa was spotted once again. This time he led a hike up to an overlook by the Lodi golf course where he was observed enjoying cookies and hot chocolate with the other hikers. It appears that Santa has a weakness for cookies, thus explaining that “round little belly that shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly.”

I hope that your holiday season is full of fun surprises and that some of them will take place….Along the Ice Age Trail.


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