This is a press release from the People’s Maps Commission and the WI Dept of Administration
The People’s Maps Commission is set to hold an informational hearing today at 5 p.m. in order to release draft electoral maps for public input.
The hearing is being held as the commission wraps up its year-long effort to gather public input and create fair, unbiased maps for Wisconsin voters. Over the course of the last year, the nine PMC commissioners, who respectively represent Wisconsin’s eight congressional districts, hosted multiple public hearings to ensure Wisconsinites had a voice as part of the PMC map drawing process.
The preliminary maps have been developed using the criteria established by the Commission and will be released as hyperlinks and various file formats (SHP, .csv, and JSON). During the informational hearing, Professor Moon Duchin of the MGGG Redistricting Lab will present an evaluation of the maps using the Commission’s criteria, including partisan fairness.
Following the draft map release, members of the public will have another opportunity to submit feedback and suggestions as the Commission works to create the final set of electoral maps.
During the map-drawing process, the Commission has thus far engaged input from more than 1,800 Wisconsinites, representing 68 counties, and 321 municipalities, as well as 18 leading redistricting experts. Wisconsinites across the state submitted recommended maps and identified dozens of communities of interest.
The PMC public comment portal, where all public input to date is available for view, will remain open until 11:59pm on Thursday, October 7.
WHAT: People’s Maps Commission Informational Hearing
To be released:
3 Draft State Assembly Maps
3 Draft State Senate Maps
3 Draft Congressional Maps
A full copy of the open meeting notice with the agenda is available here.
5:00 – 6:00 p.m., Thursday, September 30, 2021
The hearing will be live-streamed on the Wisconsin Department of Administration YouTube channel as well as via WisconsinEye at
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